President Weah
President Weah poise in a photograph

"My Goal Is To Do More And Bigger Things In My 2nd Term," Says President Weah as He Climaxes Campaign in Style

Monrovia, Liberia - The President of the Republic and Standard-bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Dr. George Manneh Weah says his greatest goal and ambition is to do more and bigger things for the country and people in his second term of leadership. 

Addressing hundreds of thousands of partisans and supporters Sunday during the climax of CDC's campaign, President Weah shared light on important development goals he intends to undertake in continuation of what he has realized in his first term of office.

He said: "I am proud of this record of
 achievement in a very difficult period. We were able to do more with fewer resources and were able to solve many structural problems."

The President said that while he is seeking re-election on these achievements, his goal for the second term is to do more and bigger things for the betterment of the Liberian people. 

According to him, his second term will be dedicated to completing Liberia's road infrastructure where county capital is connected to the next county by a paved road. 

The CDC Standard-bearer stated; "I will also continue to grow our economy in order to provide more jobs for Liberians."

He went on saying that "most of these jobs will be created in the small and medium enterprises sectors and in key sectors like agriculture and manufacturing. We will also continue work to increase our capacity to provide more electricity, which is a major reason why the job situation remains challenging."

He announced that he has concluded plans with the World Bank and other development partners to move Liberia's electricity generation capacity up from a mere 88 megawatts to more than 300 megawatts; and this will be the backbone for jobs in agriculture, manufacturing and services sectors. 

President Weah also indicated that they planned to increase the war on corruption.

 "We have now reconstituted the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission, which now has seven independent commissioners. We will empower this new LACC to enhance the fight against corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse of public resources. We will empower the GAC, the IAA, and the LACC to work better together to move the fight against corruption to a new level,' the Liberian Leader told the audience of supporters.

He disclosed that the journey over the last six years was a difficult one but added that they held together to overcome the difficulties.

The President equally shed light on efforts applied by the government to keep the peace in the absence of United Nations Peace Keeping troops..

The President took note of the fact that this is the first presidential and legislative election being without the presence of UNMIL , stressing that Liberians must all cherish this peace and continue to keep it, as it is difficult to undertake development in the absence of peace development.

The CDC Standard-bearer also recounted where they met the country and how they worked to overcome situations.

"You are all aware that in 2018, we inherited a broken economy. Nevertheless, in the five and a half (5½), we have managed to place our economy back on the track of progress and growth. For example, over the last two years, economic growth has averaged more than 4 percent. Sustaining this growth to higher levels is critical in the years to come," President Weah said.

"We have also increased our domestic revenue by more than 3 percent of GDP. It should be obvious to all that we have scored some impressive development successes during our tenure, and together, we will continue to solve the challenges of the future," he further asserted.

He said the government has reformed government systems in order to give workers their fair salary and to make sure salary is fair and equitable across the government.  

He said, "As we improve the Government pay system, our goal in the years ahead will be to continue to increase the salary of Government workers in key sectors such as health, education and local Government."

"We have provided free college tuition that has impacted more than 27,000 Liberians, and our government has paid the WASSE fees of more than 207,000 high school graduates. We have built schools where schools did not exist since our country's founding; and we continue to work to improve our education system. We have built hospitals to increase access to health for all our people and are working to improve the quality of healthcare delivery."

The President disclosed that the government has given electricity to about 1 million Liberians since 2018, and have brought the cost of electricity down from 35 cents per kilowatt hour to around 22 cents per kilowatt hour for businesses and to 18 cents per kilowatt hour for some of our very vulnerable households.

He went on saying: "We have also built markets for all our market people and housing units for some Liberians. And of course, we have built more community roads than any government in history and have built more than 347 kilometers of primary roads over the past 5 and half years." 

Reflecting on torturous campaign 

President Weah also reflected on his campaign across the country, saying that he was overwhelmed with gratitude and pride for what he called "remarkable journey" that has taken us to every corner of this great nation.

He reflected: "From the bustling streets of Monrovia to the serene villages nestled in the heart of our motherland, we have traversed the 15 counties, embraced the spirit of each electoral district, and listened to the heartbeat of Liberia, hearing your voices and concerns, and sharing our vision for a brighter future."

He said they did not rest on their laurels; but crisscrossed the nation out of respect for every voter, adding "I refused to be complacent, or take your vote for granted, because I believe in the power of your choice, and I believe in the promise of a better Liberia that we can build together."

Calling on Ex-VP Joseph Boaka

At the same time, President Weah called on former vice president Joseph Boakai to condemn the recent incident in Lofa that led to the loss of lives of some of our citizens.

He announced that the government is investigating the matter and will bring the perpetrators to justice. 

According to him, Liberia's partners are seriously concerned that justice be done to the victims and their families, emphasizing that as president, he will ensure that justice is done. 

Thanking supporters 

President Weah thanked those who have been a part of the extraordinary campaign. 

"To the countless volunteers, the tireless foot soldiers, the dedicated party members, and all those who believed in our cause, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind our campaign, and I am deeply grateful for your commitment to Liberia," he said.

The CDC Standard-bearer extended invitation to undecided voters to join the Coalition for Democratic Change for a better Liberia. 

According to the President, the previous government had its time, and the results were lacking. 

He said: "We were given the opportunity, and we have done our best. There is room at the CDC for all who seek progress and development, and we welcome you with open arms."

"I also want to extend a warm welcome to those who once left our party, the Coalition for Democratic Change, and have now returned. Your presence is a testament to the belief that we can achieve greatness together, and I want you to know that you are now in very good hands," CDC Standard-bearer stated.

He appreciated those who had left their various parties to join the CDC, saying that their trust and faith in the vision for Liberia. Together, we are forging a path towards a brighter future for all Liberians.

The President asked partisans and supporters to go out Tuesday and renew his second term mandate, saying that detractors have tried to use lies and propaganda to destabilize our Government, but that they stood strong and Liberians throughout the country now see the results of the hard work of the Government. 

He said: "Tuesday, the 10th of October, wake up early, go to the polls, and cast your vote for a better Liberia. Let's finish voting before noon, and then go home and wait peacefully for the results to be announced. "

President Weah urged that their actions speak volumes about the unity and strength of the movement, noting "Together, we will continue to build a Liberia that we can all be proud of, a Liberia that stands as a beacon of hope and progress in Africa."